Senin, 19 Desember 2011

                                                                     DEAR MOMMIES

You loved me before you even knew me.
I kicked you from within your belly, but you still loved me.
I made you vomit, gave you morning sickness but you still loved me.
I made you almost die trying to bring me in to this world, but you still loved me.
I dirtied almost a bajillion diapers, yet you still laughed and changed me.
I was hungry, I was crying and you fed me before yourself.
I was sick, I got a fever, and you stayed up all night wrapping me next to you, saying du’a after du’a.
I stumbled, you helped me get up time and time again.
I got a scrape on my knee, and you bandaged me up.
It still amazes me the level of Rahma that Allah plants into your hearts.
It amazes me how much patience Allah has put in to you- the sacrifices, the hope, the love.
All Praises are to Allah, All Praises are to Allah.
As I grew up, we grew apart.
I started to cause you pain again, I made you cry,
I hurt you with my tongue. I blew up situations out of proportion.
However, I didn’t realize the lessons you were trying to teach me.
Sometimes I didn’t agree with the WAY you taught me,
But the scars have been healing, and I’ve realized how much value each lesson had.
I’m sorry that we as your children sometimes turn out like this.
You give us so much mercy, you give us so much love and
yet your children are still secretly smoking after school,
yet there are still your children sneaking out to clubs
yet there are children that shoot drugs
and yet there are still children that are doing stuff
that would most likely kill you if you knew.
Forgive us, my mommies all across the world
for our mistakes that we make over and over again.
I ask Allah to forgive us for our mistakes
for the words we spoke back, for every feeling that we hurt
And I ask Allah to have mercy on all of you
just as you all had mercy on us when we were children.
Allahuma Ameen
*For more ‘Letters to our Ummah’, Check out: