We were made in Jannah. We were made for Jannah.This is simply our journey to our final home, inshallah
Too often, we forget our true destination. Too often, we get caught up in this dunya, in this world…”the glitter and pazzazz”, the cars and the cash that we forget that this world is not a destination; it is a journey. A journey to our real home: Jannah.
This mindset, however, is not one that is easily attained nor maintained. There are dips here and highs there- but one thing has to happen: you constantly have to keep reminding, keep trying, and striving for that meeting with Our lord, for the palaces He has prepared for the righteous, for the eternity that we must face.
And maintaing this reminder is the essence of our mission-Destination:Jannah.
“And remind, for indeed the reminder benefits the Believers.” [51:55]